You are captivating.
The reason a woman wants a beauty to unveil, the reason she asks, Do you delight in me? is simply that God does as well. God is captivating beauty. As David prays, "One thing I ask of the LORD, this is what I seek...that I may...gaze upon the beauty of the LORD" (Ps. 27:4). Can there be any doubt that God wants to be worshipped? That He wants to be seen, and for us to be captivated by what we see?
(excerpt from Wild at Heart by John Eldredge)
A few of us were talking the other day about whether or not refering to a woman as "chick" is derogatory. I could give my opinion on this but that's not the real issue here. I am just wondering why I get so heated and defensive when it comes to women. Whenever I hear the word feminism (lately spoken with a negative connotation) my blood starts to boil in defense. Just mention the word and anger emerges. I may not vocalize it but its there. If you wanted to offend me you could very easily do so by delving into this subject with me. I do not know where this anger came from. Perhaps it birthed from the interaction of my parents or the jerk boys I met at school or my desire to be strong and independent and valued.
I am realizing that I do hold a bitterness against men. That is why this year is so significant. I am finally building relationships with men, slowly learning to trust them, cautiously realizing that trustworthy men exist.
But throughout middle and high school my views were much different. I did not dress up (except when performing or going to dances). I hated to even think that some stupid guy would look at me in the wrong way. It made me sick. So I stuck to my t-shirts and pajama pants, proud to dress how I darn well pleased. It was my way of controlling the situation--controlling the sick minds of men. Ha. I'll show them. I'm just beginning to learn that it's okay to be feminine, to dress up, to wear things that are flattering.
This all came up in a conversation with Melissa today. That's when I, for the first time, started to vocalize this buried anger. I, for the first time, realized how much of my interaction with men and women in the past has been affected by this. She recommended a book called Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge. John wrote Wild at Heart. Captivating is a similar sort of book about women. I've only read 40 pages but already highly recommend it for both women and men alike.
There is more here that needs to take place in me than just forgiving men. I need to find what it means to be woman. Not my "womanly" roles and duties. heck, no. This is, also, about unveiling the character and beauty of God. I'm discovering Him in ways I never knew existed. He unveils His beauty through women!
I've alwasy thought it was interesting that God is always referred to as "he" when in fact both men and women are created in his image . . .
Hello my beautiful love dove!
It is so encouraging to hear what you are learning. A lot of girls are reading that book on project.
You, Eleanor, are a wise woman of good charater, you exercise gentleness and grace, you show kindness in your words, and you have a quiet spirit. i just learned what a quiet spirit really is. most think that only quiet women have a quiet spirit. no it has nothing to do with personality. a woman who exercises her quiet spirit is one who is gentle with her words when talking to others, one who seeks the good out of people, and is confident in herself and understands her acceptance in Christ. The opposite is one who is not humble, they are "loud" in a way that they are seeking attention for themselves, not putting others first, they are not confident in themselves, and do not trust in the Lord's aceptance. You Eleanor, have a quiet spirit, and you have a wonderful expressive personality that the Lord has weaved perfectly into that. I love you my dove! i miss you very much!
Love Always Jessica
"You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God." - 1 Peter 3:4
True beauty is not physical, but a combination of mental, emotional, personality, spiritual, and yes, physical. It's the whole package. I have noticed this about women. First lets be honest, unless you are blind, the first thing you notice is their physical appearance. If there is a physically beautiful woman, but after getting to know them (sometimes it takes less than a minute), and their emotional and spiritual sides are not beautiful, they become less beautiful, less attractive, and yes, even less physically attractive. The converse is true too. If there is a woman, yet they are not so attractive, yet her emotional, spiritual, and personality are beautiful, they become a much more beautiful person, even physically more beautiful. I think other men may relate, but that is how it is for me.
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