Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Apparently, there's a special ritual for waking up dorm residents during the summer.

Somebody came knocking on my door at about 10:15 this morning. I was sleeping. I thought it was just somebody coming by to say hi so I rolled over and thought that they would leave. No. This somebody opened the door.
I said, "Hello?"
And who should pop in but Bryce!
He said, "Residence Life. Can I come in?"
I sit up and start rubbing my eyes. "Sure," I respond in my groggy morning voice. He comes over and shakes my bed. I sigh, "Yeah," because obviously the beds are a piece of crap.
He shakes the other bed and then stands in the middle of the room. He must be philosophizing or something because he stands there not saying anything for quite awhile. I try to make small talk as I rub my eyes, still sitting on my bed.
He shakes my bed once again and, then, leaves saying, "Yeah, these beds are a crap and a half."
I could have told him that.


Blogger Idhrendur said...

Bryce is so ... random.

Now the question is, did you go back to sleep after that?

10:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha... Weirdo...

11:24 PM  
Blogger Raelynn Ann said...

lol... i wish i was there, i could have used a good laugh today ;) he and andrew are supposed to be recording how many beds there are and getting rid of the worst ones... so by the signs who ever is in your room next year wont have to live as lowly as you did MWAHAHAHAA

12:25 AM  
Blogger Jessica said...

did he give you the Bryce look?

9:24 PM  
Blogger Jason Rasmussen said...

Uh, what? You could slap him with a lawsuit for invasion of privacy. All the cool people are doing it. Oh man, I posted on your blog. Is that invasion of privacy?

12:17 AM  

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