Tuesday, May 03, 2005


God is so faithful! I went to a study abroad reception today and found out that I received the scholarship I applied for a few weeks ago. I'm so grateful! Praise be to God!

Please continue to keep Grace in your prayers. I think she'll learn to depend on God more than ever.

Keep me in your prayers, too. I've got so many emotions and thoughts and fears and joy going on right now that it's hard to see the big picture.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will pray for you.
Wow the same thing with me - so much stuff going on in my head lately - it's confusing me and clouding my mind making it hard for me to focus on what matters. I need prayer too.

9:25 PM  
Blogger Idhrendur said...

You know, I should be asking for prayer in the same area as well...

12:20 AM  

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