Saturday, February 18, 2006

Here and there

As I drift to sleep, my mind fast forwards 5 months. I see familiar faces. There is laughter. I think of adventures I will uncover. I plan the meals I will make. I realize I will miss the people. I will miss walking to get anywhere and everywhere. I will miss ancient buildings and churches, tall stone churches that press in on me when I enter. No, no, no. This can't be. I drag my heels in the thick, red soil. I do not want to go back. You cannot make me. I drag my fingers through my thick, red hair. It could be shorter. It was spunky when short but I want it to be long.

Why can't we enjoy each season for what it is? Why does my hair always have to be shorter or longer? Do I always have to be there and never here? This is my plea: to be where I am now and feel the sun against my face. Five months later, I will kiss those faces with my smile. Ten years after that, I will be and be and be. All the while, I will be with You.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Bien que les choses changent, tu ne changeras jamais; tu seras toujours une enfante de Dieu. Bien que quelques amis et membres de famille disparaissent dans la vie, leur amour pour toi restera toujours dans ton coeur. N'oublie pas que tu auras toujours une grande famille au ciel avec Dieu ou tout le monde sauve par le sang de Christ se reunira un jour pour toujours. N'oublie pas ceux qui t'aiment bien, et n'oublie jamais l'amour que tu as pour Jesus ainsi que le grand amour qu'Il a pour toi. Si la terre devrait etre consommee par le feu demain, n'oublie pas que le Bon Dieu en recreera de nouveau, et Il preservera ton ame...apres tout, c'est Lui qui est l'Amant de ton ame, et Son amour ne fanera jamais.

Ne l'oublie pas, Eleonore, ne l'oublie pas.


5:58 PM  
Blogger Raelynn Ann said...

My Love, my Dove...

I truly hope that you are able to stop where you're at and truly soak in all that’s around you. Regardless of what will happen in the future your circumstance now, exactly as it is, will only come once. I've never seen the sun captured inside a lamppost. I’m starting to believe fairies don’t even bother staying in the city any more. I've never walked across a cobble stone road on my way to the market. I've never had a French neighbor (or English for that matter) teach me a craft that has run in her family for generations. I've never had a cat purr to me in French. And I've never been so happy as I am for you now that you ARE experiencing a life long dream. Although we all have to wake up eventually, none of us are in a rush to do so ;) I love you so much Eleanor, and I miss you even more... but I would be discontent if you returned feeling that you missed out on something while away! You're in my thoughts and prayers-
Ton Razor

p.s. TonRazor sounds like a rock star name :D

10:05 PM  

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