They [the Jewish writers] live beset by three impossibilities: the impossibility of not writing, the impossibility of writing in German and the impossibility of writing differently, and we could add a fourth impossibility: the impossibility of writing at all.
Franz Kafka
I made it home. Today was a real Beauty and the Beast sort of day. People were smiling and singing in the streets. Bread was baking. This place smells like food. People were kissing each other on the cheek. Everyone was speaking French.
Going away for a little while enhances what you love about the place you live. I missed cuisine--not just food but the love for food. After ten days of not understanding a lick of the language, my head can't help but sigh at the simplest "Bonjour."
Highlights from Prague:
The Kafka Museum. The Old Jewish Quarter. A classical concert. A Gershwin concert. A palace. A Rembrant. The Wenceslas "square" dance. Everything with an undertone of Mucha majesty.
Not to mention the joy of limping around for the first few days.
Je suis contente que tu sois rentree a Aix saine et sauve. J'etais devastee en concernant la destruction de la Nouvelle-Orleans, mais j'etais une travailleuse bien dure (dans tous les cas) surtout en pensant a toi (bien qu'on n'a pas vraiment visite ta propre maison). Le dernier jour de travail on a du enlever des meubles d'un sous-sol inondé et le nettoyer avec du decolorant. Comme c'etait putride! On s'est fait d'amis avec des blattes et des larves (cockroaches and maggots) et j'ai toujours mal a la tete a cause de l'odeur horrible. A la cote positive, on y a aussi trouve un petit sapin de Noel artificiel et on l'a decore avec des guirlandes aux perles de Mardi Gras (on les a aussi trouves au sous-sol). On y a mis dessous des jouets sales; c'est ce qui l'a fait vraiment une blague merveilleuse.
Le sapin et les jouets restent toujours dehors a l'arriere-cour ou on les avait mis.
Meilleurs voeux pour le Nouvel An 2006!
Good to see that your BLOG is up and running. Your ma tells me that you had a virus and couldn't boot up.
Don't quite unnerstan FK, but maybe it's a youth thing. So France is becoming HOME! Great, They'll be no living with you when you get back to the States.
Love you Sweetie, P
certianly everything would love to do and see, even with a limp ;) when you return we will square dance to gershwin in the jewish sector of los angeles. we could even go to OCPAC to see a classical concert performed by the long beach phil. i love you, we can rejoice that we have something to come back to, missing eachother wont be forever!
tu clonk! (sp?)
Happy New Year - day before. Mailed you a letter and pictures of Mr. Bean today - hope you get it soon. Glad you are back in safety of your French hostess. Don't hit the books too fast might cause a reaction.
Aunt Jo
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