water, water, do not flee, flood my thoughts, wash over me

Here's a picture I've been meaning to post for some time. I took this in the sanctuary of my church back in New Orleans. Notice the line left by the flood. They restained the pews before they took off the line. Now it serves as a mark in the history of this church. Look here and see, you future generations. See how God has carried us.
Even though you didn't tag me, may I be "it" anyway???
I know that feeling...I've always enjoyed the rain, until my house began to leak when I was in third grade...worst of all, it was in MY room...first it was just a small spot...roughly about the size of the palm of my hand...then it began to get a little bigger...oh no...my mom took the stain out with bleach...the roofing man nailed a slab of wood onto the roof...and all was normal from then on...until fifth grade...
We had high winds that blew off the slab...then we had a huge T-storm...the sky was as black as night...when I came home from school it looked as though I had just walked out of the shower...I anticipated the worse, and the worse came true...the brown cloud on my ceiling kept growing bigger...and bigger...and bigger...until it looked like a storm was brewing up in my own room...
My parents decided to get the entire roof repaired...we used to have a shake roof...and boy was it UGLY...we now have a gray tile roof which was installed ten years ago...it's nice and it's held up ever since! The big, brown cloud is now covered over with white paint...but you could still barely see it...
My fourth-grade teacher was the best in the world...I loved her so much I wanted to imitate her in every way...she had blonde hair, so I bleached mine...my hair became dried grass...she had blue eyes so I wanted to get colored contacts...but my parents said no...she was a little chubby, so I decided to eat and put fat onto my skinny bones...no such luck...when she cut off all her "beautiful" hair...I cried...for awhile I'd thought about becoming a teacher, but it eventually hit that that job may not actually be for me...
Then I wanted to be an actress...I wanted to be a comedienne...I took drama in junior high...I was Rapunzel in a frumpy fairy tales production...I had to grow my hair some 15-20 feet for that role...and boy, did it look stringy...some twigs and leaves got caught in it...insects and mice would nest in it...I only washed my hair once a month...it stunk...it was horrible...it gave me constant headaches...I was so relieved when the time came for the "witch" to whack it off!
I continued with drama in high school...my teacher was boring...the class was boring...the theater was a giant refrigerator...we often fell asleep while rehearsing our lines...I didn't like the characters I had to portray...they were not the kind of people I wanted to meet or even think about imitating...I no longer wanted to be an actress...it was too much trouble...lots of wannabes...few make it...
Here is my acting resume: I was a tooth fairy in Kindergarten...a bride who married a ninja turtle in first grade...Belle in second grade...Jasmine in third grade...a gypsy in fourth...Miss Sierra Vista (the name of my school) in fifth, Esmeralda in sixth, Rapunzel in seventh (like I said), Dorothy (from OZ) in eighth, Jane (from Tarzan) in ninth, a cherry Southern Belle in tenth, Annie Oakley in eleventh, and Maid Miriam in twelfth.
Let me go back to my early elementary years...I loved to write funny stories...when I was in second grade I wrote a story about my teacher Mrs. Green...she was getting ready for bed in a flowery nightgown...her husband was in the bathroom rehearsing a long song entitled "This Island's Earth" (what a dumb title) for a concert the next day...he had left it to the last minute and spent all night working on it...he walked on stage sleepy-eyed and yawned through his song...the manager had to drag him off the stage saying, "Time to get off the concert!"
In third grade I wrote a positive side to "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day." My story was about a super, wonderful, terrific, very good day...very funny...you should read it sometime...
hmm, I love that someone anonymous has joined in the blog tag game! However, a recent discussion has invaded the game. Check out AJ's page for more details.
I love this picture and your comment about it. My heart still aches for the people of LA and MS.
In addition, I would thoroughly enjoy your thoughts on a new piece of mine.
Thank you!
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