Sunday, March 05, 2006

Wine ambassador for life!

You want to know what I love about France? I love the random. I went to Avignon with my Cal State program yesterday. Avignon is a medieval city and still looks like one. Several pope's hung out there in the 1400's and built a gothic palace. We arrived and got off the bus right next to the Pont d'Avignon (Bridge of Avignon).

Sur le Pont d'Avignon, l'on y danse, l'on y danse
Sur le Pont d'Avignon, l'on y danse, tout le monde

On our way to the Palais des Papes (Palace of the Popes), we passed a vineyard. People were dressed in blazers and broad brimmed black hats. People were singing. Children dressed in t-shirts and red baseball hats were picking up sticks. Two boys poked their noses through the fence and said, "Do you speak English?" A man speaking into a microphone annonced, "Look, some Americans have arrived! Our American friends!" They invited us into the vineyard. They gave us free t-shirts, wine, turkey, bread, cheese, paté, apple tart. I might want to mention that this was the palace's vineyard. I drank Pope wine! They removed their hats as they sang the Hymn de Provence. The band began to play. We took a picture with the mayor of Avignon (a woman, mind you). A man of particular importance asked Ashlee, another American, and me to come up to the microphone. He gave us the necessary "bises" (kisses on the cheek). He presented Ashlee with a bundle of sticks and a special glass for wine-tasting. Then, to top it all off, the three of us were to give a few words. He asked us what wine we prefered. Ashlee gave the perfect answer: Côte-du-Rhône. (We are in the region of Côte-du-Rhône). I said I was thankful and so happy to be there and so forth. They beseeched us to go forth into the world as ambassadors for Côte-du-Rhône wine. This is what I love about France: to live in the world of random and good company. I want to have stories like this my entire life.


Blogger Raelynn Ann said...

it is quite burdonsome trying to change society... how loverly it would be to live in a place where neighbors were people. Strangers say hello, and everyone has a sense of connection. I suppose the only way to make this happen would to be the hosts... go to park of sorts, make lots of food, get a DJ then ask bypassers to have a taste of our steak... a sip of our soda and a go at our kerioke! (American style :P) I look forward to it.

10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


As-tu danse sur le pont aussi? Quand mon professeur de piano m'a enseigne la chanson ("Sur le Pont d'Avignon") il y a plusieurs annees, elle portait une belle robe et des chaussures mignonnes.

Si tu veux voir le style des chaussures qu'elle portait, clique sur ce link ici:

A tout a l'heure!


11:22 AM  
Blogger Raelynn Ann said...

oo la la I like those shoes! bring me home some :D (size 8)

6:24 PM  
Blogger Idhrendur said...

*sigh* I wish I could learn to be like that. It's impossible to attept to change society when you can't even change yourself.

4:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, my dear, you will. You will always have such stories in your life as long as you continue to live. And I am confident that you will do just that.
(Whimpy misses you).

11:39 PM  

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