Thursday, November 10, 2005


There comes a point in everyone's life after conjugating so many verbs into the passé simple, subjonctif, futur antérieur, and imparfait of the subjonctif when one starts to wonder, "Why am I doing this? I'll probably forget it all in a year's time anyway. I'll lose it when there's no one to talk French with." And that's when, just in time, one comes across a word like jetâtes. Jetâtes. One sits there for awhile, feeling the warmth of the word and the warmth of the sun. The neighbor cat stops by to chat. Leaves and phrases spin in circles. It is at that moment when one realizes she must carry on, if not for the sake of practicality, for the sake of beauty.


Blogger Raelynn Ann said...

LTT is The leadership training through NCMI (southlands affiliates) we apparently host it once a year, its a week long and great! I've met (some rather cute guys harhar) from South Africa, New Zealand, France, Germany, North Carolina and Australia :D John (from Australia) has really cool dreads and OF COURSE an awesome accent.

Thurs I am going to my dad's for thanksgiving, then Fri my mom's mom's and im working Mon-Wed as well as sat. Amiga, I have a hilarious (new) story for you about BOGA! I would email you it, but, it wouldnt be the same unless i could hear your wonderful laughter! I love you!!

I assume they don't celebrate Thanksgiving over there... it would makes sense if they did, considering the Europeans are the ones that sent people over!

12:25 PM  
Blogger Raelynn Ann said...

I will be cooking a Thanksgiving dinner for the community next Wed :D

1:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beauty is as wonderful a sake as any.

11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me voici encore, Alice au Pays de Merveilles! Cette semaine j'ai finalement rencontre la Reine des Coeurs! J'ai attrape un rhume horrible et c'etait CHAOS toute la semaine! Mais j'ai prie au Seigneur, et bien-sur il m'a aide, comme toujours!

7:33 PM  
Blogger Narisilme said...

Je suis contente que tu aies rencontré la Reine des Coeurs. Au début, elle est un peu méchante--mais elle est vraiment triste et elle voudrais avoir une amie avec qui elle peut parler. J'espère donc que tu pourras son amie.

Oh, et je pense que tu étudie en Californie. C'est vrai? Je fais une conjecture.

12:34 PM  

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