Saturday, May 20, 2006

An artist's pilgrimage

School's out meaning there's only one thing left to do. You know.

This time it's over to Scotland, Poland, Hungary, and the grand finale, Paris. I'm taking off with my Prague buddy, Mademoiselle Courtney. However, at the end of our trip, I'll tackle Paris alone. Well, not Paris but close. Giverny (i.e. Monet's Gardens). I'm taking the pastel pencils along this time.

Walking down the streets of Aix, I feel dazed. Where does time go and why does God let us lose our memory? So I'll take the pencils along to capture what I can, and the rest I'll leave to my imagination.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Tu ne merites que le talent de peindre comme Claude Monet!

2:36 PM  
Blogger Idhrendur said...

May you have a much better time in Paris than I did...

Oh, and if you happen to be on the street that ends in a replica of a torch from the statue of liberty...don't go in the little cafe there. *shudders* Find a different one...

10:32 AM  
Blogger Raelynn Ann said...

could you manage to fit me into one of your landscapes? I would love to visit Monet's gardens :)

7:45 PM  

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